Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Pregnancy Problem

Andrea is due to deliver on January 19th. Up until several days ago, it has been a remarkably smooth pregnancy. Normally there is a lot of complaining from the mother about back pain, uncomfortableness, weight gain. There is sometimes bed rest, or the mom is instucted to take it easy. For Andrea, the worst has been that she can't really sit through a whole movie for the last month or so. So we haven't been to the theater much.

That all changed. A while back, Andrea started complaining about itching. Lots of itching. Uncontrollable itching all over. Googling "itching pregnancy" quickly takes you to a lot of information. Itching, it turns out is very common.

Most women itch when pregnant. Their skin stretches, and gets dry. Dry skin as we know itches. Moisturizing lotion pretty much takes care of it.

Other women develop varying degrees of an itch rash. There is PUPP, something akin to a mosquito bite, and a more serious pemphigoid gestationis. That last one is pretty bad, and can slow down baby growth.

Then there is the rare one, cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP). Basically parts of your liver stop working. Bile acids don't get processed right, which builds up bile salts in the skin, causing intense itching.

After longer than it should have taken, the correct blood test was finally ordered. The wrong test was done the first time it was requested, which was far too long after Andrea began complaining about it to the "doctor". The second time, the right test was finally ordered, but the lab didn't know what test it was. That was straightened out within the same day. Something like a landspeed record for medicine. Six days later...6 DAYS?!?!?!?! The test results are in. The upper end of the "normal" range for bile salts is 24. Andrea has 59 (whether that is percentages or ppm I don't really know). For those who don't like math puzzles, that is 2.5 times higher than it should be.

So, Andrea has been having trouble sleeping, what with all the itching going on. For a while she was taking benadryl. Yup, that's the first suggestion from the highly intelligent medical world. It managed to put the baby to sleep for days at a time, which is frightening (especially if you knew that ICP can have a 4% stillbirth rate). Later she was given a prescription for a different kind of allergy medicine that is targeted toward itching. Neither of those medications were really doing the job. So, now she is getting a prescription filled that actually addresses the bile salts. Yes such a thing exists. No, it doesn't have any harmful side effects for the mother or baby, even if there aren't any excess bile salts to deal with. So, WHY THE HELL WASN'T SHE GIVEN THIS PRESCRIPTION 2 FEKING WEEKS AGO, WHEN SHE FIRST COMPLAINED ABOUT THE ITCHING!!!!!?

Andrea will be induced on Januray 3rd. Because the real solution is to get the baby out, as soon as everything is developed.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

TSA Poisons Man

Once again we see that the people running airport security (like the TSA), are trying to kill you.

This time the TSA pins a would be flyer to the ground and forces 2 pints of vodka down his thoat. The victim gets sent to the hospital to be treated for alcohol poisoning.


Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Tee Hee

As seen here.

If you don't get it, "don't panic" (haha! yea, you didn't get that either), it's probably not for you.