Friday, June 20, 2008

Spore Creature Creator

For those of you who've heard of Spore and have been waiting for it, you already know that the creature creator is available, and there is even a free trial you can download. For the rest of you spore is supposed to be kind of like the next sims. Made by the same guy at the same company.

I tried out the creature creator last night and have mixed feelings. Character creation is not something I'm in to, so it holds very limited appeal. There are a ton of people who love that sort of thing though, so it's not like this thing is not going to be successful, it will be. The tool itself is remarkable. We are talking jaw dropping technological possibilities. There is no game there though. After I make a critter, I can make him dance/sit/play/whatever, but that's it. Bores me to tears in just a couple of minutes.

When the full game releases there will be a game portion to this critter maker thing, but from what I've seen that game is not very interesting to me. What I want is to be able to make a handful of different critters to be used as my army in a full fledged RTS. Imagine playing warcraft where there isn't a set range of possible units you'll face.

The technology behind Spore aught to get licensed and used for custom design in many different games. If they built it right (odds are not good that this is what happened), they should have a really awesome character generator and AI module they could sell.

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Friday, June 13, 2008

Dear Spike Lee

Dear Spike Lee,

I'm writing to inquire why you failed to cast a white male in the title role of your little film "Malcolm X". I feel this is a racist oversight on your part. There were plenty of white males alive during the events portrayed in the film, were there not? As you well know, it is close-minded to allow historical accuracy to get in the way of a film based on historical events.


Clint Eastwood

p.s. You are a tool.

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